Faculty publications

Faculty publications


Book cover for Disability and Social Justice in Kenya

Disability and Social Justice in Kenya (2022), Nina Berman and Rebecca Monteleone, eds

"Disability and Social Justice in Kenya: Scholars, Policymakers, and Activists in Conversation" is the first interdisciplinary and multivocal study of its kind to review achievements and challenges related to the situation of persons with disabilities in Kenya today, in light of the country’s longer history of disability and the wide range of local practices and institutions. It brings together scholars, activists and policymakers who comment on topics including education, the role of activism, the legal framework, culture, the impact of the media and the importance of families and the community.

Chinese Poetry as Soul Summoning: Shamanistic Religious Influences on Chinese Literary Tradition (2022), Nicholas Morrow Williams

This study examines the role of the soul (hun) and the soul-summoning ritual in Chinese literature from ancient times up to the twentieth century. On one hand, the ritual provided a model for literature, as a therapeutic means of summoning back wayward souls. On the other, it inspired the imaginative range and formal structures of literary works, which followed the soul’s journey from the individual person throughout the world and into the heavens.


Slavic Languages: Genealogy and Ideology

Slavic Languages: Genealogy and Ideology, (Slovenski jezici: genealogija ideologija) Association of Slavic Societies of Serbia (2021), by Danko Šipka

Lexical Layers of Identity book cover

Lexical Layers of Identity: Words, Meaning, and Culture in the Slavic Languages (2021), by Danko Šipka

Focusing on Slavic languages, Danko Šipka provides a systematic approach to lexical indicators of cultural identity. In contrast to existing research, which focuses heavily on syntactic and phonological approaches, Šipka's approach is novel, more systematic and encompassing, and postulates three lexical layers of cultural identity: deep, exchange, and surface. The deep layer pertains to culture-specific words, divisions, and features that are generally not subject to change and intervention. The exchange layer includes lexical markers of cultural influences resulting from lexical borrowing, which situates the speakers into various cultural circles. This layer is subject to gradual changes and some limited level of intervention from linguistic elites is possible. Finally, the surface layer encompasses the processes and consequences of lexical planning. It is subject to abrupt changes and it is shaped in constant negotiation between linguistic elites and general body of speakers.

The Geography of Words book cover

The Geography of Words: Vocabulary and Meaning in the World's Languages (2021), by Danko Šipka

Languages around the world organize their lexicons, or vocabularies, in a myriad of different ways. This book is a celebration of global linguistic diversity, bringing together fascinating cases from a wide range of languages to explore how and why this lexical variation occurs. Each of the thirty-six short chapters shows how different culturally-specific words, relating to a range of phenomena such as kinship, colour, space, time, objects, smells, and animals, vary across languages and geographical locations. It also explains the mechanisms of development in vocabularies, showing why this variation occurs, and how languages and cultures interact, to deepen the reader's understanding of one of the most important aspects of linguistics. Assuming little to no prior knowledge of linguistics, and introducing concepts in an accessible way, this book is an entertaining, informative read for anyone who wants to learn more about the incredible variation and diversity of the human lexicon.

The Religious Ethic and Mercantile Spirit in Early Modern China (2021), by Ying-shih Yü. Translated by Yim-tze Kwong. Edited by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman

Why did modern capitalism not arise in late imperial China? One famous answer comes from Max Weber, whose The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism gave a canonical analysis of religious and cultural factors in early modern European economic development. In The Religions of China, Weber contended that China lacked the crucial religious impetus to capitalist growth that Protestantism gave Europe.

Abirate il Tempo

Abitare il tempo. Metafora, storia e comunità nell’opera di Enrico Palandri (2021), by Enrico Minardi and Alberto Della Rovere

The book unfolds following two main thematic lines: language (especially the concept of metaphor) and history (in particular, as I have phrased it, how to “inhabit the time we have been allotted as humans”). The first one (the metaphor) immediately references the Otherness as a constitutive figure of the process of significance. The metaphor also connects with Palandri’s second major theme: time and how to “inhabit” it. The constitutive ambiguity of the metaphor reflects the ambiguity of history itself.

Duo Duo book cover

Words as Grains: New & Selected Poems by Duo Duo 多多. New Haven: Yale University Press (2021), by Lucas Klein

An authoritative new collection by one of China's most lauded poets 
While keeping a cautious distance from literary trends and labeling, Duo Duo has emerged as one of the world’s preeminent poets. His poems respond to the Chinese political landscape from the Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square tragedy and beyond. Some are written from the vantage point of exile abroad, others in his homeland, but all inscribe an ache for original expression, a sense of place, and the essence of language. In exacting renderings by award-winning translator Lucas Klein, this career-spanning anthology features Duo Duo’s entire oeuvre since his return to China in 2004, as well as a representative selection of his earlier poems, presenting nearly five decades of work. This collection traces the evolution, in a particular historical context and cultural tradition, of one of the most vibrant poets at work in the world today. Duo Duo is one of the most celebrated contemporary Chinese poets. Lucas Klein is an award-winning translator.

Wheels of Change Feminist Transgressions in Polish Culture and Society

Wheels of Change Feminist Transgressions in Polish Culture and Society. Warsaw University Press/Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw 2021, by Wrobel-Best Jolanta (Author) and Aleksandra Gruzinska.


Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film

Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), by Ana Hedberg Olenina

In the late 19th century, modern psychology emerged as a discipline, shaking off metaphysical notions of the soul in favor of a more scientific, neurophysiological concept of the mind. Laboratories began to introduce instruments and procedures which examined bodily markers of psychological experiences, like muscle contractions and changes in vital signs. Along with these changes in the scientific realm came a newfound interest in physiological psychology within the arts - particularly with the new perception of artworks as stimuli, able to induce specific affective experiences.
In Psychomotor Aesthetics, author Ana Hedberg Olenina explores the effects of physiological psychology on art at the turn of the 20th century. The book explores its influence on not only art scholars and theorists, wishing to understand the relationship between artistic experience and the internal processes of the mind, but also cultural producers more widely. Actors incorporated psychology into their film acting techniques, the Russian and American film industries started to evaluate audience members' physical reactions, and literary scholars began investigations into poets' and performers' articulation. Yet also looming over this newly emergent field were commercial advertisers and politicians, eager to use psychology to further their own mass appeal and assert control over audiences. Drawing from archival documents and a variety of cross-disciplinary sources, Psychomotor Aesthetics calls attention to the cultural resonance of theories behind emotional and cognitive experience - theories with implications for today's neuroaesthetics and neuromarketing.

The City of Ye in the Chinese Literary Landscape book cover

The City of Ye in the Chinese Literary Landscape (2020), by Joanne Tsao

In The City of Ye in the Chinese Literary Landscape, Joanne Tsao demonstrates how the city of Ye changed from an iconic space that represented Cao Cao’s heroic enterprise to a symbol of the fruitlessness of human endeavour, and then finally to a literary landmark, a synecdoche for the vicissitudes of human life caught in the predictable cycles of dynastic rise and decline. Through a close reading of literary works on Ye, she illustrates how the city transformed from a lived to imaginative space to become a symbol in the poetic lexicon. 
Making use of literary and historical texts on Ye and its material remains through the Song and beyond she shows the potency of place as a generative force in literary production and in historical discourse.

Feminismo, literatura y exilio book cover

Feminismo, literatura y exilio (2020), María de Maeztu. Edition, introduction and notes by Camen de Urioste-Azcorra

This edition compiles journalistic articles by María de Maeztu (1881-1948) written during her exile in Argentina (1937-48). The essays cover several thematic lines: articles that support her tireless fight for female education; literary criticism of texts that made an impact on her own education; reports that narrate her deep knowledge of North-American female colleges; academic and popular articles on pedagogy; comparisons between different education systems; and articles on English feminism and the education of modern men. In addition, journalistic interviews granted by Maeztu are collected in this book.

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Andare al popolo! The Last Forty Years of Italian Popular Culture (2020), by Paolo Desogus, Enrico Minardi

What is Italian pop culture? This volume provides an answer to this question, offering an insight into some of the most recent and interesting developments in the field of pop culture. The reader will find essays on a variety of topics including literature, theater, music, social media, comics, politics, and even Christmas


Faraway Settings: Spanish and Chinese Theaters of the 16th and 17th century / Juan Pablo Gil-Osle, Frederick A. de Armas (eds.)

Faraway Settings: Spanish and Chinese Theaters of the 16th and 17th century (2019), by Juan Pablo Gil-Osle, Frederick A. de Armas (eds.)

A comparative study of Ming and Iberian theaters has never been attempted. Thus, this book aims to provide the reader with a series of different approaches. First, through a comparison of specific works by Spanish and Chinese playwrights during the Ming and Habsburg periods, we aim to show that at times certain commonalities are in reality spaces fraught with misunderstanding. A melancholic character in Spain would not be the same as a melancholic figure in Chinese theater. A particular plant or flower had completely different symbolic meanings. However, it is curious to note how certain character types in both theaters resemble each other; and how the interaction between actors and audience would show clear parallels. At the same time, this is a book that also finds the thrill of correspondences and affinities as they are recovered through modern staging, climate change, universality of emotions, representations of friendship, folk characters, metaphors and dreams. 

Negotiating the Art of Fatherhood in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy

Negotiating the Art of Fatherhood in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy (2019), by Juliann Vitullo

Negotiating the Art of Fatherhood in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy examines contested notions of fatherhood in written and visual texts during the development of the mercantile economy in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Italy. It analyzes debates about the household and community management of wealth, emotion, and trade in luxury “goods,” including enslaved women, as moral questions. Juliann Vitullo considers how this mercantile economy affected paternity and the portraits of ideal fatherhood, which in some cases reconceived the role of fathers and in others reconfirmed traditional notions of paternal authority.


Perspectives of Five Kuwaiti Women in Leadership Roles: Feminism, Islam, and Politics | Souad Ali

'The advances made in women’s issues in the Gulf State of Kuwait during the last sixty years have been widely commented upon, but limited academic research has been published on their material effects. In 2005, Kuwaiti women received the right to both vote and to run in elections to Parliament—the first women in the conservative Arab Gulf bloc to do so. This book presents five remarkable women leaders in Kuwait, including one of the first elected Kuwaiti female Members of Parliament, an art advocate and museum founder, a national hero and oil industry leader, a university founder, and a current, controversial MP. In intimate conversations with the author, they share their thoughts on topics such as gender relations and equality, the current women’s rights movement, the role of religion in politics and education, and female leaders’ visibility and impact. Their different backgrounds, interpretations of Islam, and outlooks on the future of their country combine to embody the changes involving women’s issues in Kuwait that have occurred since the mid-twentieth century. Even as Muslim feminists’ critique creates new arenas in Islamic theology and stridently conservative forms of Islamism become increasingly visible in the public space, the material effects of the advances in women’s issues in Kuwait have received little academic attention until now. A book that both complicates and contributes to understandings of women, Islam, and social change, this important work will be of great interest to scholars in religious studies, women’s and gender studies, and Middle Eastern studies, as well as reformers throughout the region who continue to find inspiration in Kuwait’s “Blue Revolution.'


The Japanese Discovery of Chinese Fiction: The Water Margin and the Making of a National Canon | William Hedberg

The classic Chinese novel The Water Margin (Shuihu Zhuan) tells the story of a band of outlaws in twelfth-century China and their insurrection against the corrupt imperial court. Imported into Japan in the early seventeenth century, it became a ubiquitous source of inspiration for translations, adaptations, parodies, and illustrated woodblock prints. There is no work of Chinese fiction more critical to both the development of early modern Japanese literature and the Japanese imagination of China than The Water Margin. In The Japanese Discovery of Chinese Fiction, William C. Hedberg investigates the reception of The Water Margin in a variety of early modern and modern Japanese contexts, from eighteenth-century Confucian scholarship and literary exegesis to early twentieth-century colonial ethnography. He examines the ways Japanese interest in Chinese texts contributed to new ideas about literary canons and national character. By constructing an account of Japanese literature through the lens of The Water Margin’s literary afterlives, Hedberg offers an alternative history of East Asian textual culture: one that focuses on the transregional dimensions of Japanese literary history and helps us rethink the definition and boundaries of Japanese literature itself.


El sueño, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Emil Volek

This is a critical edition of "El sueño" (or "First Dream"), a long philosophical and descriptive poem written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in 1690. Features commentary and critical notes by Emil Volek. Contents include: "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (una breve semblanza)", "Sobre esta edición de 'El sueño'", "Esquema del poema", "Primero sueño", and "Comentario"


The Enlightened Army (Latin American Literature in Translation) | Translated by David Foster

Ignacio Matus is a public school history teacher in Monterrey, Mexico, who gets fired because of his patriotic rantings about Mexico’s repeated humiliations by the United States. Not only did Mexico’s northern neighbor steal a large swath of the country in the Mexican-American War, but according to Matus it also denied him Olympic glory. Excluded from the 1924 Olympics, Matus ran his own parallel marathon and beat the time of the American who officially won the bronze medal. After spending decades attempting to vindicate his supposed triumph and claim the medal, Matus seeks an even bigger vindication—he will reconquer Texas for Mexico! Recruiting an army of “los iluminados,” the enlightened ones, Matus sets off on a quest as worthy of Don Quixote as it is doomed.


Lexical Layers of Identity: Words, Meaning, and Culture in the Slavic Languages | Danko Sipka

Focusing on Slavic languages, Danko Sipka provides a systematic approach to lexical indicators of cultural identity. In contrast to existing research, which focuses heavily on syntactic and phonological approaches, Sipka's approach is novel, more systematic and encompassing, and postulates three lexical layers of cultural identity: deep, exchange, and surface. The deep layer pertains to culture-specific words, divisions, and features that are generally not subject to change and intervention. The exchange layer includes lexical markers of cultural influences resulting from lexical borrowing, which situates the speakers into various cultural circles. This layer is subject to gradual changes, and some limited level of intervention from linguistic elites is possible. Finally, the surface layer encompasses the processes and consequences of lexical planning. It is subject to abrupt changes, and it is shaped in constant negotiation between linguistic elites and the general body of speakers.


Lexical Conflict: Theory and Practice | Danko Sipka

The first practical study of its kind, Lexical Conflict, presents a taxonomy of cross-linguistic lexical differences, with a thorough discussion of zero equivalence, multiple equivalences, and partial equivalence across languages. Illustrated with numerous examples taken from over one hundred world languages, this work is an exhaustive exploration of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural differences, presenting guidelines and solutions for the lexicographic treatment of these differences. The text combines theoretical and applied linguistic perspectives to create an essential guide for students, researchers, and practitioners in linguistics, anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, translation, interpretation, and international marketing.

Preciadas cartas. Correspondencia entre Gabriela Mistral, Victoria Ocampo y Victoria Kent. | Elizabeth Horan, Carmen de Urioste Azcorra, and Cynthia Tompkins.

This collection of letters bears witness to the friendship between Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1889-1957), Victoria Ocampo (Argentina, 1890-1979) and Victoria Kent (Spain, 1882-1987), which spans across five decades. Their letters begin shortly after these exceptional women first meet in the Madrid of the Second Republic and end in 1979 with the death of Ocampo. The authors of the epistolary come from three different countries, but they reveal a common interest in the political and social development of the societies they lived in. Their correspondence overcomes the barriers of time and space, as well as wars, illnesses, exile, and imprisonment. The transatlantic camaraderie evidenced throughout these letters encompasses a long historical journey of decisive events for their respective countries. The book makes a critical contribution to LGBTQ history and reveals how gender and social identities were interwoven in humanitarian networks during the Spanish Civil War and subsequent Franco regime.


Quo Vadis, Baby? | Juliann Vitullo

Sara Paretsky At first glance, Private Detective Giorgia Cantini is not a pretty sight as she sits at a bar, downing her fourth cocktail of the night, feeling moody and obnoxious. Brutally honest, she smokes too much, exercises too little, eats on the run, and — the cardinal sin for Italian women — is a messy housekeeper. Yet, despite all that, people trust her and are attracted to her as a confidant. Her stream of unhappy clients comes from the conventional middle-class and upper-middle-class confines of Bolognese families. While the Cantini Detective Agency mostly investigates the tangled affairs of unhappily married couples, Verasani exposes the hierarchies and prejudices of Italian “family culture” that often lead to tragic acts of violence against those who stray from domestic and sexual norms. Giorgia’s own family is a prime example of that dysfunctional family culture. The nominal head of the agency is her alcoholic father, a retired major of the Carabinieri. Both her mother and sister Ada are dead, both suicides. Although a true loner, Giorgia negotiates a vital network of artists, clients, friends, misfits, and lovers. What is the dark secret behind Alvise Lumini’s fiancée? Is Engineer Comolli’s wife having an affair? Will their daughter starve herself to death? Did Giordano Lattice murder his wife? Why is the film professor Andrea Berti pursuing Giorgia? What is the secret hidden in the box of Ada’s letters that arrive unexpectedly in Giorgia’s apartment? Mixed in with traditional sleuthing we find a novel about character and family history, domestic violence, changing Italy, and the textures of life in Bologna.

Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance | Mark Cruse

This volume is a contribution to the cross-cultural study of theater and performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The studies gathered here examine material from Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. Underlying all of these essays is the understanding that performance shapes reality — that in all of the cultural contexts included here, performance opened a space in which patrons, rulers, writers, painters, spectators, and readers could see themselves or their societies differently, and thereby could assume different identities or construct alternative communities. Addressing confession and private devotion, urban theater and pageantry, royal legitimacy and religious debate, and a wide range of genres and media, this volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the world-making role of theater and performance in medieval and early modern European societies.

Volery and Venery in the French Wars of Religion

Volery and Venery in the French Wars of Religion | Deborah N. Losse

Volery and Venery in the French Wars of Religion is the first book-length study to provide an analysis of literary and cultural texts through the lens of people's perspectives on hunting in the context of the French Wars of Religion. Court poets such as Jodelle and Ronsard highlight the central role of the king in the hunt. The study examines cynegetic scenes and attitudes toward hunting in the works of Sebastian Brant, Erasmus, Rabelais, Jodelle, Ronsard, Ceppède, Montaigne, and Aubigné. An effort is made to relate the artistic representation of the hunt to the details of the hunt presented in the hunting manuals of Du Fouilloux, De Thou, Franchières, and Arcussia, among others. At a time when the monarchy needed to reflect stability and continuity, the figure of the king dominates cynegetic exercise.

Idly Scribbling Rhymers: Poetry, Print, and Community in Nineteenth-Century Japan | Robert Tuck

How can literary forms fashion a nation? Though genres such as the novel and newspaper have been credited with shaping a national imagination and a sense of community, during the rapid modernization of the Meiji period, Japanese intellectuals took a striking―but often overlooked―interest in poetry’s ties to national character. In Idly Scribbling Rhymers, Robert Tuck offers a groundbreaking study of the connections among traditional poetic genres, print media, and visions of national community in late nineteenth-century Japan that reveals the fissures within the process of imagining the nation.

文化权力与政治文化 | Hoyt Tillman

How have political conflicts impacted philosophical concepts and the rise of particular intellectual lineages in China? This question is part of a contested issue -- the relative strength of state power and intellectuals' cultural authority. A nuanced fathoming of Confucian intellectual currents in Zhu Xi's wake reveals that his ideas were not as rapidly or universally accepted in the 13th century as they have retrospectively been portrayed. By exploring views of the classic of the Mean (Zhongyong) and the succession and transmission of the Way (daotong), Christian Soffel and Hoyt Tillman demonstrate the complexity of the relationship between cultural authority and political culture. The volume also includes eight of their related essays and is included in the series of the Center for the Study of Ancient Chinese History at Beijing University and published by Zhonghua Books in Beijing.

Affectual Erasure | Cynthia Margarita Tompkins

Comprehensive examination of how Indigenous peoples have been represented in Argentine film. Affectual Erasure examines how Argentine cinema has represented Indigenous peoples throughout a period spanning roughly a century. Cynthia Margarita Tompkins interrelates her discussion of films with the ethnographic context of the Indigenous peoples represented and an analysis of the affective dimensions at play. These emotions underscore the inherent violence of generic conventions, as well as the continued political violence preventing Indigenous peoples from access to their ancestral lands and cultural mores.


Transforming Gender and Emotion: The Butterfly Lovers Story in China and Korea | Sookja Cho

The Butterfly Lovers Story, sometimes called the Chinese Romeo and Juliet, has been enduringly popular in China and Korea. In Transforming Gender and Emotion, Sookja Cho demonstrates why Butterfly Lovers Story is more than just a famous love story. By unveiling the complexity of themes and messages concealed beneath the tale’s modern classification as a tragic love story, this book reveals the story as a vibrant academic subject for students of human emotions and relationships, comparative geography and culture, and narrative adaptation. By examining folk beliefs and ideas that abound in the narrative—including rebirth and second life, the association of human souls and butterflies, and women’s spiritual power—this book presents the Butterfly Lovers Story as an example of local religious narrative. The book’s cross-cultural comparisons, best manifested in its discussion of a shamanic ritual narrative version from the Cheju Island of Korea, frame the story as a catalyst for inclusive, expansive discussion of premodern Korean and Chinese literature and cultures. This scrutiny of the historical and cultural background behind the formation and popularization of the Cheju Island version sheds light on important issues in the Butterfly Lovers Story that are not frequently discussed—either in past examinations of this particular narrative or in the overall literary studies of China and Korea. This new, open approach presents an innovative framework for understanding premodern literary and cultural space in East Asia.


The Tale of Cho Ung: A Classic of Vengeance, Loyalty, and Romance | Sookja Cho

The Tale of Cho Ung is one of the most widely read and beloved stories of Chosŏn Korea. The anonymously written tale recounts the adventures of protagonist Cho Ung as he fearlessly confronts and overcomes obstacles and grows into a heroic young man. As a child, Ung flees a wicked tyrant who wrongfully killed his father and took advantage of the emperor’s death to seize the throne from the young prince. Driven by his passion, righteousness, and sense of duty, he pursues retribution and restores justice. His journey, from its innocent beginnings to his final triumph, unfolds as a complex tapestry of loyalty, honor, vengeance, and love interspersed with threads of romance and the supernatural. This first translation into English of The Tale of Cho Ung offers a glimpse into the vernacular and popular literature of the late Chosŏn period, exemplifying the types of stories and heroes that were favored by its reading public. The tale emphasizes personal affections and ethics between child and parent, husband and wife, subject and ruler, pupil and teacher, yet explores human life in all its complexity, even subtly dissenting against traditional Korean social norms. This unabridged translation draws upon the many surviving editions of the novel, which vary in length and format. In her introduction, Sookja Cho addresses how the novel evolved and changed over time, while her annotations help to reveal the depths of a text that conveys the richness and complexity of premodern Korean literature and culture.


Despistemes: La teoría literaria y cultural de Emil Volek | Emil Volek

This anthology contains fifteen essays in which the Czech researcher Emil Volek reflects in-depth on different aspects of Latin American culture, especially the way in which it has been problematized by the intellectuals of the continent since the late nineteenth century and the way in which It is taught today in the American academy under the supposed interdisciplinary paradigm of 'cultural studies'. The collection also includes a section specially dedicated to the destinies of literary theory from the early twentieth century to the present day. Eight of the texts are published for the first time in Spanish, including five texts translated for this volume by the editor Andrés Pérez-Simón, who also contextualizes Volek's work in the extensive prologue that opens this volume.


To Kill a Serpent in the Shell | Translated by Ileana Orlich

To Kill a Serpent in the Shell dramatizes the final year of Tsarevna So fia’s regency, interrogating Russia’s history while subtly confronting the Russia of today. The play, both a riddle and a fantasy, depicts the political rivalry between the regent and her lover, Vasili Golitsyn, on the one hand, and the young Tsar Peter on the other. The regency’s incipient humanism, espoused in Golitsyn’s consideration for the well-being of the Russian people, conflicts with the autocratic leanings of the young Tsar Peter. Boris Akunin shows us a pivotal time in Russian history, immediately preceding the reign of Peter the Great, and invites us to imagine what future rulers of Russia might have been like if the events of 1689 had had a different outcome.

victoria kent

De Madrid a New York | Carmen Urioste

Victoria Kent (Malaga, 1892-New York, 1987) is perhaps the most unfairly overshadowed female figure in the recent history of Spain. A tireless fighter for freedom, she campaigned throughout her life for the Republican Radical Socialist Party and was faithful to the principles of the Second Spanish Republic until her death. This edition includes a variety of texts from Kent, from her famous speech on the female vote in the republican parliament to articles published in Ibérica, a magazine she founded in New York and of which she was the editor for 20 years. Transcripts of her radio talks, essential to understanding Spanish daily life during the Civil War, are also included. Special attention deserves the selection of letters, published here for the first time. These letters show a deeply human Kent, connected with the pain of the Spanish Republicans in French concentration camps, as well as concerned about the transition from the Franco regime to a monarchy. The reading of these texts by Victoria Kent provides a hitherto unknown perspective on the cultural and political history of Spain throughout the 20th century.


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An Early History of Compassion | Francoise Mirguet

In this book, Françoise Mirguet traces the appropriation and reinterpretation of pity by Greek-speaking Jewish communities of late antiquity. Pity – sometimes also understood as compassion – is, in the literature of these communities, a spontaneous and embodied feeling, a virtue to extend to all human beings, or a precept of the Mosaic law. The requirement to feel for those who suffer sustains the identity of the Jewish minority, both creating continuity with its traditions and emulating dominant discourses. Through compassion, Jewish communities shape their complex sense of belonging in the imperial environment. Mirguet’s book will be of interest to scholars of early Judaism and Christianity for its sensitivity to the role of feelings and imagination in the shaping of identity. An important contribution to the history of emotions, the book explores how compassion has come to be so highly valued, and sometimes politicized, in Western cultures.

Il pensiero della poesia: Da Leopardi ai contemporanei. Letture dal mondo di poeti italiani (Studi e saggi) (Italian Edition)

Il pensiero della poesia: Da Leopardi ai contemporanei. Letture dal mondo di poeti italiani (Studi e saggi) (Italian Edition) | Enrico Minardi

Along with Cristina Caracchini (author of the introductorily essay), Enrico Minardi edited a collection of study cases on poets across different epochs to show how poetry influences our subconscious and fashions our world's perception.

Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature

In their comprehensive study Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature: Literary and Cultural Essays, editors Jesús Rosales and Vanessa Fonseca provide a fresh set of perspectives on the field of Chicano literary and cultural studies. Composed of essays by scholars who live and work in the United States in addition to those who work primarily in Spain, the book examines how Spanish literary critics view and study Chicano literature.

Picturing the Barrio | David William Foster

Foster analyzes the imagery of ten distinctive artists who offer a range of approaches to portraying Chicano life. The production of each artist is examined as an ideological interpretation of how Chicano experience is constructed and interpreted through the medium of photography, in sites ranging from the traditional barrio to large metropolitan societies.

Germans on the Kenyan Coast

Germans on the Kenyan Coast | Nina Berman

Diani, a coastal town on the Indian Ocean, is significantly defined by a large European presence that has spurred economic development and is also supported by close relationships between Kenyans and European immigrants and tourists. Nina Berman looks carefully at the repercussions that these economic and social interactions have brought to life on the Kenyan coast. She explores what happens when poorer and less powerful members of a community are forced to give way to profit-based real estate development, what it means when most of Diani’s schools and water resources are supplied by funds from immigrants, and what the impact of mixed marriages is on notions of kinship and belonging as well as the economy. This unique story about a small Kenyan town also recounts a wider tale of opportunity, oppression, resilience, exploitation, domination, and accommodation in a world of economic, political, and social change.

Srpski gramatički rečnik [Serbian grammatical dictionary], Novi Sad: Prometej | Danko Šipka

The present dictionary comprises 120,000 Serbian entries with the stress and inflectional properties marked. The entries are sorted in a reversed order (from the end of the word) which makes it possible to match word endings with inflectional properties and the shift in the placement and quality of the stress. The dictionary is preceded by an overview of Serbian inflectional parameters.

Gonglijuyi yuga: Juhi e daehan Jinlyang eu Dojeon, Translation into Korean of Professor Hoyt Tillman's book , tilitarian Confucianism: CHEN Liang’s Challenge to CHU Hsi [Zhu Xi]

This new book is a translation of Tillman’s Utilitarian Confucianism, which was first published by Harvard’s Council on East Asian Studies and distributed by Harvard University Press, 1982. In that English book, Tillman was the first scholar to use a 13th century rare book edition of CHEN Liang’s writings. Gonglijuyi yuga: Juhi e daehan Jinlyang eu Dojeon, Translation into Korean, by Seoul National University Professor KIM Byoung-hwon and Gongju National University of Education Assistant Professor LIM Myung-hee, of Hoyt Tillman’s Utilitarian Confucianism: CHEN Liang’s Challenge to CHU Hsi

Submersive Stages

Subversive Stages | Ileana Orlich

Exploring theater practices in communist and post-communist Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, this book analyzes intertextuality or “inter-theatricality” as a political strategy, designed to criticize contemporary political conditions while at the same time trying to circumvent censorship. In the Soviet bloc the theater of the absurd, experimentation, irony, and intertextual distancing (estrangement) were much more than mere aesthetic language games, but were planned political strategies that used indirection to say what could not be said directly. Plays by Romanian, Hungarian and Bulgarian dramatists are examined, who are “retrofitting” the past by adapting the political crimes and horrifying tactics of totalitarianism to the classical theatre (with Shakespeare a favorite) to reveal the region’s traumatic history. By the sustained analysis of the aesthetic devices used as political tools, Orlich makes a very strong case for the continued relevance of the theater as one of the subtlest media in the public sphere. She embeds her close readings in a thorough historical analysis and displays a profound knowledge of the political role of theater history.

Joan Darc | Translated by Sylvain Gallais

Joan of Arc is a series of fifty untitled prose poems on the subject of Joan of Arc by the experimental French writer and performance poet, Nathalie Quintane. Joan of Arc is not biographical, even though its eponymous character had a short, vivid life fighting the English on behalf of the French heir to the throne, Charles VII. The dramatic outlines of her brief life and terrible end are well-known, and Quintane sees no reason to reiterate them. Rather, she writes from the margins and in the interstices of the well-known story, focusing on the overlooked or insignificant aspects of Joan’s life, which opens up our imaginations to questions about her lived life. She shepherded her father’s sheep in her earlier life. How, then, would she have learned to wear armor, ride a horse, plan a battle? How did the shepherdess Jehane become the symbol of France, Joan of Arc (what’s in a name)?


El Eternautra, Daytripper, and Beyond: Graphic Narrrative in Argentina and Brazil | David William Foster

“El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond examines the graphic narrative tradition in the two South American countries that have produced the medium’s most significant and copious output. Argentine graphic narrative emerged in the 1980s, awakened by Héctor Oesterheld’s groundbreaking 1950s serial El Eternauta. After Oesterheld was “disappeared” under the military dictatorship, El Eternauta became one of the most important cultural texts of turbulent mid-twentieth-century Argentina. Today its story, set in motion by an extraterrestrial invasion of Buenos Aires, is read as a parable foretelling the “invasion” of Argentine society by a murderous tyranny.

Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching: A Practical Guide for the Classroom | Sara Beaudrie

Heritage language (HL) learning and teaching presents particularly difficult challenges. Melding cutting-edge research with innovations in teaching practice, the contributors in this volume provide practical knowledge and tools that introduce new solutions informed by linguistic, sociolinguistic, and educational research on heritage learners. Scholars address new perspectives and orientations on designing HL programs, assessing progress and proficiency, transferring research knowledge into classroom practice, and the essential question of how to define a heritage learner. Articles offer analysis and answers on multiple languages, and the result is a unique and essential text ― the only comprehensive guide for heritage language learning based on the latest theory and research with suggestions for the classroom.


Antagonía | Carlos Javier García

Author Luis Goytisolo (Barcelona, 1935) started to write the first notes of Antagonía in 1960 and concluded it in 1980. Published in four volumes between 1973 and 1981, the novel has been considered a contemporary classic. Recently it has been selected as mandatory reading in France for the Agrégation of Spanish, the most prestigious competitive examination for the public education system, leading to a position for secondary and higher education. For five years the central focus of my research has been a critical edition of Antagonía (1,400 pages; introduction, and 1,850 notes), prepared in collaboration with the author and with Columbia University Professor Gonzalo Sobejano, who wrote the epilogue of the edition. “Reading Antagonía requires great intellectual commitment. But the rewards are immense: this is an endlessly stimulating gothic cathedral of a novel, a world to wander in – surprised, affected, diverted and perplexed– for weeks on end” (Michael Kerrigan, The Times Literary Supplement). “Cátedra publishes a monumental critical edition of a literary monument” [Cátedra publica una edición crítica monumental de un monumento literario.”] (Santos Domínguez, Revista Encuentros con las Letras).

Los cigarrales de la privanza y mecenazgo en Tirso de Molina

Los cigarrales de la privanza y mecenazgo en Tirso de Molina | Juan Pablo Gil-Osle

The topic of this monograph on Cigarrales de Toledo is the interconnection between representations of male friendship, economic patronage systems, and privado political thought in the first published book by Tirso de Molina. Los cigarrales del mecenazgo is based on archival research and offers an unprecedented study of the Pimentel family’s role in Tirso’s life. It focuses on Tirso de Molina’s most astonishing patron: don Luís Suero de Quiñones y Acuña. Being a relatively poor member of the powerful Pimentel family. He appears both in the images on the cover page of Cigarrales de Toledo, and as a character in the text, while his painting collections became famous in the European art market. The representations of friendship, patronage, and privanza (royal favoritism) are fundamental to the literature of the first half of the seventeenth century; as a whole, they form a powerful tool to analyze the miscellaneous Cigarrales de Toledo as a unit of great importance in Tirso’s literary career.

Linguistic Geography

Linguistic Geography | Danko Sipka

The present book is an account of cross-cultural linguistic differences between Serbian and various other languages. Each of the 28 chapters addresses one concrete lexical field, e.g., numbers, colors, kinship terms, food, etc. Using a great number of diversified examples, the author reveals underlying mechanisms of cross-cultural differences in the lexicon.

cynthia book

Cinco meses en la Argentina desde el punto de vista de una mujer | Cynthia Tompkins

Translation of Katherine Dreier’s Five Months in the Argentine: From a Woman’s Point of View 1918- to 1919. Trans. Cynthia Margarita Tompkins. Ed. María Gabriela Mizraje. In the Prologue Mizraje provides a socio-historical context of the period in which this American philanthropist arrived in Buenos Aires. In the Introduction Tompkins offers a biographical account that underscores this amateur painter’s phenomenal contribution to the recognition of modern art. Finally, in the “Criteria of the Translation” Tompkins dwells on Dreier’s interpretations and misinterpretations on issues such as the suffragist movement, the worker’s struggles, and Argentine idiosyncrasies.

Emil Volek Book

La mujer que quiso ser amada por Dios: Sor Juana Inés en la cruz de la crítica | Emil Volek

The book, developed on and off for almost forty years, offers a radical revision of life and work of the Mexican nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695). Based on the latest discoveries in most diverse archives (from Lima to Tulane and Mexico), it carefully sifts through all the information that circulates among her readers to conclude that practically all that information “is factually erroneous, freely invented or slanted,” spun to fit the imaginary life story each of the contending lines of criticism strives to create. As a consequence, her work has been read partially, sometimes contradictorily and always out of context; her long and intense internal debate that has come to head in her last years has been transmuted into fanciful punishments imposed on her from outside. Evidence contradictory to fantasy has been carefully avoided. Baseless conjectures, repeated and improved on by further conjectures have solidified as “accepted reality.” The book is a devastating critique of dilettantish “sorjuanismo,” from less than “critical” editions to impressive yet equivocal monuments (Paz) and all between. It is also fun to read and, being a text about the Baroque, conceals a challenge for the intelligent reader.

Syphilis: Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France

Syphilis: Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France | Deborah Losse

In Syphilis: Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France, Deborah Losse examines how images of syphilis became central to Renaissance writing and reflected more than just the rapid spread of this new and poorly understood disease. Losse argues that early modern writers also connected syphilis with the wars of religion in sixteenth-century France. These writers, from reform-minded humanists to Protestant poets and Catholic polemicists, entered the debate from all sides by appropriating the disease as a metaphor for weakening French social institutions. Catholics and Protestants alike leveled the charge of paillardise (lechery) at one another. Losse demonstrates how they adopted the language of disease to attack each other’s politics, connecting diseased bodies with diseased doctrine.


Lexical Conflict: Theory and practice | Danko Šipka

The first practical study of its kind, Lexical Conflict presents a taxonomy of cross-linguistic lexical differences, with thorough discussion of zero equivalence, multiple equivalence and partial equivalence across languages. Illustrated with numerous examples taken from over one hundred world languages, this work is an exhaustive exploration of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural differences, and presents guidelines and solutions for the lexicographic treatment of these differences. The text combines theoretical and applied linguistic perspectives to create an essential guide for students, researchers and practitioners in linguistics, anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, translation, interpretation and international marketing.

Od naših Rusa do komšijine krave, Novi Sad: Prometej | Danko Šipka

This is a dictionary of conversational commonplaces in Serbian preceded by a brief introductory study defining the field and laying out the methodology of discourse analysis of these conversational forms.

Handbook of Latin American Literature. Routledge revivals edition | David William Foster

First published in 1987 (this second edition in 1992), the Handbook of Latin American Literature offers readers the opportunity to explore this literary history in the English Language and constitutes an ideological approach to Latin American Literature. It provides both concise information concerning particular authors, works, and literary traditions of Latin America as well as comprehensive material about the various national literatures of the area. This book will therefore be of interest to Hispanic scholars, as well as more general readers and non-Hispanists.

| Hoyt Tillman

The three memorial lectures in Chinese for the Professor Wang Meng-ou Forum in November 2015 at the Chinese Department of the National ChengChi University in Taipei, Taiwan covered the topic s: Loyalty and Filial Piety in the Three Kingdoms; An Analysis of Zhu Xi’s Prayers for Rain in Unauthorized Temples and their Significance; and Zhu Xi’s View of “Barbarians” and the Issue of the Universal Significance of his Values. ISBN: 978-968-04-9798-4. By: 田浩 Hoyt Tillman | Hoyt Tillman


The Road to the Two Sudans | Soaud T. Ali

Editors: Soaud T. Ali, Stephanie Beswick, Richard Lobban, Jay Spaulding The previous book presaged this present volume as the, perhaps inevitable, outcome of endless conflicts with no serious effort to “make unity attractive.” Reading this book will realistically help in understanding these “Roads” taken. The editors and authors have created a multi-faceted account which reveals the complex foundations of these conflicts between north and south, and recently within the south itself. While Khartoum struggles onward with the Islamist project, regional conflicts and grave economic problems, Juba stumbles with corruption, armed rebellion and a grave humanitarian crisis. The half-full glass of dreams of social and economic development supported by oil revenue has been replaced by a glass half empty with new varieties of political dysfunction in which both nations have grave problems in security and economic stability in a generally troubled regional “neighborhood.”

Veliki englesko-srpski rečnik | Danko Šipka

The dictionary is intended primarily for the users at ILR level 3 and higher The dictionary comprises 99173 main entries and 21579 related entries and 35872 idioms on its Serbian-English side as well as 98023 main entries and 11395 related entries, and 33541 idioms on its English-Serbian side. The treatment of the entries and their presentation was subordinated to the needs of the users at ILR level 3 and higher. Only those senses which are needed at that level were included and all multiple L2 equivalents were differentiated using short notes in L1. The equivalents are each numbered for easier lookup/reference. The most frequent functional words are equipped with examples and their translation, idioms are listed under all their semantic parts and they are separated in the presentation, again to facilitate lookup. The dictionary contains elaborate grammatical information, and it points out to the contrastive differences and false cognates.

Slogovni glosar 4 | Danko Šipka

This is a glossary of Serbian words consisting of six or more syllables

Education and Curriculum Perspectives in the Qur'an | Sarah Risha

The book introduces most common methods of teaching instructions and compares them to instructions in the Qur'an, the holy book for Muslims.

Argentine, Mexican, and Guatemalan Photography: Feminist, Queer, and Post-Masculinist Perspectives | David William Foster

One of the important cultural responses to political and sociohistorical events in Latin America is a resurgence of urban photography, which typically blends high art and social documentary. David William Foster examines the work of photographers ranging from the internationally acclaimed artists Graciela Iturbide, Pedro Meyer, and Marcos López to significant photographers whose work is largely unknown to English-speaking audiences. He grounds his essays in four interlocking areas of research: the experience of human life in urban environments, the feminist matrix and gendered cultural production, Jewish cultural production, and the ideological principles of cultural works and the connections between the works and the sociopolitical and historical contexts in which they were created. Foster reveals how gender-marked photography has contributed to the discourse surrounding the project of redemocratization in Argentina and Guatemala, as well as how it has illuminated human rights abuses in both countries. He also traces photography's contributions to the evolution away from the masculinist-dominated post–1910 Revolution ideology in Mexico. This research convincingly demonstrates that Latin American photography merits the high level of respect that is routinely accorded to more canonical forms of cultural production.

German Colonialism Revisited: African, Asian, and Oceanic Experiences | Nina Berman

erman Colonialism Revisited brings together military historians, art historians, literary scholars, cultural theorists, and linguists to address a range of issues surrounding colonized African, Asian, and Oceanic people’s creative reactions to and interactions with German colonialism. This scholarship sheds new light on local power dynamics; agency; and economic, cultural, and social networks that preceded and, as some now argue, ultimately structured German colonial rule. Going beyond issues of resistance, these essays present colonialism as a shared event from which both the colonized and the colonizers emerged changed.

The Greek Anthology, vol. 1: books 1–5 | Michael A. Tueller

The Greek Anthology contains some 4,500 short Greek poems in the sparkling and diverse genre of epigram, written by more than a hundred poets and collected over many centuries. To the original collection, called The Garland (Stephanus) by its contributing editor, Meleager of Gadara (first century BCE), was added another Garland by Philip of Thessalonica (mid-first century CE) and then a Cycle by Agathias of Myrina (567/568 CE). In about 900 CE these collections (now lost) and perhaps others (also lost, by Rufinus, Diogenianus, Strato, and Palladas) were partly incorporated and arranged into fifteen books according to subject by Constantine Cephalas; most of his collection is preserved in a manuscript called the Palatine Anthology. A second manuscript, the Planudean Anthology made by Maximus Planudes in 1301, contains additional epigrams omitted by Cephalas. Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, and Paulus Silentiarius. This Loeb edition of The Greek Anthology replaces the earlier edition by W. R. Paton, with a Greek text and ample notes reflecting current scholarship. Volume I contains the following books: 1. Christian Epigrams; 2. Description of the Statues in the Gymnasium of Zeuxippus; 3. Epigrams in the Temple of Apollonis at Cyzicus; 4. Prefaces to Various Anthologies; and 5. Erotic Epigrams.

Heritage language teaching: Research and practice | Sara Beaudrie

Heritage Language Teaching: Research and Practice presents a summary of research in heritage language development and an exploration of classroom practices that best meet the needs of heritage learners in the United States based on that research. There is particular emphasis on Spanish as a heritage language due to the large amount of research generated in that language, but general principles as well as specific details relevant to other languages are also featured. The book's purposes include: •To familiarize teachers with aspects of the sociolinguistic reality of minority languages in the U.S. that impact curricular and pedagogical practices •To offer basic theoretical underpinnings and research findings in a non technical style about the development of a heritage language •To weave together different curricular and classroom approaches to teaching heritage learners •To provide guidelines for placement, curriculum, and other administrative concerns This book assumes no prior knowledge of language acquisition, and is intended for those who are beginning or are already engaged in a teaching career at the postsecondary or high school level. The tone and style are informal and reader friendly; jargon and technical terms are avoided when possible and defined when used. While many examples are provided in Spanish, the authors have also included examples from the other more commonly taught HLs in the United States as well. The book is designed to be useful to all teachers of heritage languages in the U.S. Each chapter includes a chapter summary, a list of suggested further reading as well as discussion questions and "Pause to consider" boxes. The book can be useful in a number of contexts: •As the sole text in a course that focuses on teaching heritage learners •As an adjunct to a number of "methods" books used in introductory language teaching courses •As a text for undergraduates pursuing certification in a teacher education program, graduate students in methods courses, and in service instructors who wish to expand their knowledge about teaching heritage learners.


Lets Speak Vietnamese Cover

Let’s Speak Vietnamese | Lê Phạm Thuý-Kim

Let’s Speak Vietnamese is a complete package of instructional materials for the beginning level of Vietnamese. The materials aim to help learners to develop proficiency in all the four language skills as well as to raise cultural awareness. The flexible framework of this text can accommodate various approaches to language learning. It also designed for self-learning.

Experimental Latin American Cinema | Cynthia Tompkins

Analyzing seventeen recent films by eleven different filmmakers from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, and Peru, Cynthia Tompkins uses a comparative approach that finds commonalities among the disparate works in terms of their influences, aesthetics, and techniques. Tompkins introduces each film first in its sociohistorical context before summarizing it and then subverting its canonical interpretation. Pivotal to her close readings of the films and their convergences as a collective cinema is Tompkins’s application of Deleuzian film theory and the concept of the time-image as it pertains to the treatment of time and repetition. ISBN: 9780292744158

Amistades Imperfectas: Del Humanismo a la Illustración con Cervantes | Juan Pablo Gil-Osle

"Imperfect Friendship: From Humanism to Enlightenment with Cervantes" addresses the relationship between representations of male friendship (15th century to the Enlightenment) and images of friendship in the works of Cervantes. Gil-Osle uses a twofold theory of male friendship as the foundation for his argument. On the one hand, classical, medieval, and Renaissance theories of friendship (Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Saint Agustin, Rieval, Alberti, Ficino) support his analysis of the classical, ecclesiastic and humanistic tradition of amicitia within which Cervantes was writing. On the other, Cervantes’s representations of friendship are – at times – so atypical of the amicitia tradition, that they necessitate examination through enlightened models of social relationship and the idea of the individual (Hume, Adam Smith, Kant). As a result Cervantes appears as a key figure in the evolution of solidarity models from social organization to individualistic frameworks. This book shows the intellectual history of the notion of amicitia in a period that first began to develop the market logic, egoist theories, and family paradigms that occupy a large portion of our current political imaginary. Peninsular literature and cultures are presented in this book as fundamental to understanding the evolution of the notion of friendship in Europe. ISBN: 9788484896401

Passo da Guanxuma: contactos culturales entre Brasil y Argentina | Isis Costa McElroy, Eduardo Muslip

Situated within the vast map of cultural relations between Argentina and Brazil, this book provides some significant examples of these relationships, and seeks clarification on some aspects of cultural crossings. The contributors –from different fields: history, literature, linguistics, translation, editing and anthropology– are knowledgeable and active participants in the current phenomena they are dealing with. They give to this volume their particular input without ignoring the global awareness of the general cultural relationship between the two countries. The reader will see the focus of different Brazilian and Argentine figures transiting through the territory of the other country, their reflections on the problem of the relationship between the two languages, individual and collective projects of literary translation and cultural dissemination, first-person experiences of intellectuals working with and between the two countries and will observe that the bridges that cross the border are not always that permeable. The book's title is a tribute to a Brazilian narrator conscious of these ties. "Passo da Guanxuma" refers to a border area mythologized by Caio Fernando Abreu, a spider web that interweaves languages, cultures, personal and group histories, a metaphor for the complex route by which this book takes us forward. ISBN: 9789876301572

Latin American Documentary Filmmaking | David William Foster

“Latin American Documentary Filmmaking” is the first volume written in English to explore Latin American documentary filmmaking with extensive and intelligent analysis. David William Foster, the leading authority on Latin American urban cultural production, provides rich, new interpretations on the production of gender, political persecution, historical conflicts, and exclusion from the mainstream in many of Latin America's most important documentary films. ISBN: 9780816523313

The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays | Wilt L. Idema, Stephen H. West

This book offers a complete translation of four early plays of the Yang Family Generals. The story of the Yang Family Generals, particularly its female generals, was a perennial favorite on the Chinese stage in the 19th and 20th centuries. In detailing the role of this military family in the Song-Khitan wars of the mid-12th century, these four plays are all in the form of zaju, a type of play that originated in the 13th century. These plays are from the 15th and 16th centuries and allow a glimpse into earlier renditions of the Yang Family saga, which is a decidedly more male-centered tradition than that performed in the Qing dynasty. This volume offers the only complete English-language translation of these early plays. These plays allow access to the earliest phase in the development of the Yang Family saga. The plays provide information on the staging of large battle scenes on the stage and have considerable literary and cultural value. ISBN: 9789814508681

Glimpses of Phoenix: The Desert Metropolis in Written and Visual Media | David William Foster

Part of the self-image of Phoenix is that the city has no history and that anything of importance happened yesterday. Also that Phoenix is a "clean" city, though there is considerable evidence of a past of police corruption and social oppression. The "real" present-day Phoenix, easygoing and sun-drenched, a place of ever-expanding development and economic growth, guarantees, it is said, an enviable lifestyle, low taxes, and unfettered personal freedom and opportunity. Little of this is true. Phoenix has been described as one of the least sustainable cities in the country. The sixth largest urban area of the United States, there is an alarming superficiality tourism-oriented discourse of the leaders and citizens of the capital of Arizona. This study examines a series of narrative works (novels, theater, chronicles, investigative reporting, personal accounts, editorial cartooning, even a children’s television program) that question this discourse in a frequently stinging fashion. The works examined are anchored in a critical understanding of the dominant urban myths of Greater Phoenix, and an awareness of how all the newness, modernity, and fun-in-the-sun mentality mask a uniquely dystopian human experience. ISBN: 9780786473649

English-Serbian and Serbian-English Dictionary | Danko Sipka

These dictionaries adhere to the strictest quality assurance standards. They are intended to serve the needs of the speakers in Serbia (and a more broader region) and to assist the speakers of English seeking familiarity with the English language. These practical dictionaries comprise approximately 30,000 entries in each direction and offer complete and readily available information, including a full lexicographic treatment of all relevant grammatical and usage features as well as an exhaustive list of equivalents. ISBN: 9788651508021

Engraving Virtue: The Printing History of a Premodern Korean Moral Primer | Young Kyun Oh

In “Engraving Virtue,” Young Kyun Oh investigates the publishing history of the Samgang Haengsil-to (Illustrated Guide to the Three Relations), a moral primer of Chosŏn (1392–1910), and traces the ways in which woodblock printed books contributed to shaping premodern Korea. Originally conceived by the court as a book with which to instill in its society Confucian ethics encased in the stories of moral heroes and heroines as filial sons, loyal subjects, and devoted wives, the Samgang Haengsil-to embodies various aspects of Chosŏn society. With careful examinations of itsvarious editions and historical documents, Oh presents how the life of this book reflected the complicated factors of the Chosŏn society and how it became more than just a reading material. ISBN: 9789004249882

Veliki srpsko-engleski rečnik | Danko Šipka

The dictionary is intended primarily for the users at ILR level 3 and higher The dictionary comprises 99173 main entries, 21579 related entries, and 35872 idioms on its Serbian-English side as well as 98023 main entries, 11395 related entries, and 33541 idioms on its English-Serbian side. The treatment of the entries and their presentation was subordinated to the needs of the users at ILR level 3 and higher. Only those senses which are needed at that level were included and all multiple L2 equivalents were differentiated using short notes in L1. The equivalents are each numbered for easier lookup/reference. The most frequent functional words are equipped with examples and their translation, idioms are listed under all their semantic parts and they are separated in the presentation, again to facilitate lookup. The dictionary contains elaborate grammatical information, and it points out to the contrastive differences and false cognates.

Dictionary of Bosnian Islamic Terms | Danko Šipka and Sabahudin Ćeman

The present dictionary used a variety of sources comprising a corpus based upon 2615 articles from major contemporary Islamic periodicals and newspapers, various renditions of the Qur'an, studies in Islamic theology, obituaries from general daily papers, relevant Wikipedia articles, general and specialized dictionaries. All terms and proper names that are relevant in Islamic practice and theology are included in the present dictionary. This includes the terms describing religious practices, codes of conduct and morality, theological terms, major segments and characters from Islamic holy books, main works of Islamic architecture in Bosnia, and major proponents of Islam. All terms were attested in the aforementioned sources. The idea of the selection process was to enable English-speaking users to read contemporary Bosnian Islamic texts.

Savremeni englesko-srpski rečnik | Danko Šipka

The present dictionaries adhere to the strictest quality assurance standards. They are intended to serve the needs of the speakers in Serbia (and a broader region) and to assist the speakers of English seeking familiarity with the Serbian language. These practical dictionaries comprise approximately 30.000 entries in each direction and offer complete and readily available information, including full lexicographic treatment of all relevant grammatical and usage features as well as an exhaustive list of equivalents.

The Social Life of Illumination: Manuscripts, Images and Communities in the Late Middle Ages | Joyce Coleman, Mark Cruse, Kathryn A. Smith

Art historians and literary scholars explore how the interplay of images and texts in medieval manuscripts enabled an array of social interactions that helped to shape communal identities and experience.

Montaigne and Brief Narrative Form: Shaping the Essay

Montaigne and Brief Narrative Form: Shaping the Essay | Deborah N. Losse

This is the first book-length study to trace the origin of the essay to the brief narrative tale. While the form of the conte gave shape to the essay, the violence of the times destabilized a known genre to create a new one. It was the disruption of the times and the impact on Montaigne's personal and public life that led to the birth of the new form, a form he so aptly named the essay. Historic events and his reaction to the violence impacted and transformed Montaigne's work. We witness a change from the initial efficient style with which he had set out to interweave his own reflections, self-portraits, and anecdotes with the tales from ancient and contemporary storytellers, poets, and historians. Eventually the growing political disruption pulled Montaigne away from the exemplary claims of the tales to borrow from the more contingent, detailed observations of ethnographers and physicians.


Cultural Authority and Political Culture in China: Exploring Issues with the Zhongyong and the Daotong during the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties | Christian Soffel and Hoyt Cleveland Tillman

How have political conflicts impacted philosophical concepts and the rise of particular intellectual lineages in China? This question is part of a contested issue -- the relative strength of state power and intellectuals' cultural authority. A nuanced fathoming of Confucian intellectual currents in Zhu Xi's wake reveals that his ideas were not as rapidly or universally accepted in the thirteenth century as they have retrospectively been portrayed. By exploring views of the Zhongyong and the succession and transmission of the Way (daotong), the authors demonstrate the complexity of the relationship between cultural authority and political culture. Their study highlights the independence of Wang Bo and Hao Jing on such issues. ISBN: 978351510349

Brooklyn Heights: A Modern Arabic Novel | Miral al-Tahawy

Hind, newly arrived in New York with her eight-year-old son, several suitcases of unfinished manuscripts, and hardly any English, finds a room in a Brooklyn teeming with people like her who dream of becoming writers. As she discovers the various corners of her new home, they conjure up parallel memories from her childhood and her small Bedouin village in the Nile Delta: Emilia who sells used shoes at the flea market smells like Zeinab, the old woman who worked for Hind's grandfather; the reflection of her own body as she dances tango awakens the awkwardness of her relationship to that body across the years; the story of Lilette, the Egyptian bourgeoise who has lost her memory, prompts Hind to safeguard her own. Through this kaleidoscopic spectrum of disadvantaged characters we encounter unique but familiar life histories in this award-winning and intensely moving novel of displacement and exile. "Brooklyn Heights" was the winner of the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature, and was shortlisted for the 2011 Arabic Booker prize. ISBN: 9789774164880

Timote | translated by David William Foster

This much is fact: at noon on May 29, 1970, Argentinean general and former president Pablo Eugenio Aramburu was abducted from his Buenos Aires apartment by the Montoneros, an urban guerilla group that supported the regime—and return—of exiled leader Juan Perón. Only after a month-long search was it discovered that the Montoneros had executed Aramburu three days after kidnapping him, leaving his corpse to rot inside a farmhouse in the remote hamlet of Timote. José Pablo Feinmann’s brilliant fictionalization of this momentous event in Argentine history raises as many questions as it answers, about issues of ongoing global concern: nationalism, fundamentalism, terrorism, torture. Imagining the abduction, interrogation, and murder as a series of gripping dialogues between the captor Fernando and the captive general, Feinmann delivers readers deep into the psyches of warring ideological factions. Who are the Montoneros, who claim to represent an injured people? Who are Perón and his idolized late wife, who claimed to love their country? Who is Aramburu, who claims to protect democracy? Combining adroit political analysis with true-life characters, “Timote” illuminates for English-language readers a dark episode of history and a darker side of the human mind. ISBN: 9780896728066

Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem)| Translated by Cynthia Hogue & Sylvain Gallais

Fortino Sámano (the overflowing of the poem), translated by Cynthia Hogue and Sylvain Gallais, with French on facing pages, is a collaborative work by the emerging French poet, Virginie Lalucq, and the distinguished philosopher, Jean-Luc Nancy. Lalucq wrote the serial poem, Fortino Sámano, after seeing an exhibit of photographs on the Mexican Revolution by Agustin Victor Casasola. Her series is a meditation on the single, extant photograph of Sámano, a Zapatista lieutenant and counterfeiter, which Casasola snapped as Sámano, smoking a last cigar, appeared to stare death nonchalantly in the face moments before his execution by firing squad (it was reported that he himself gave the order to fire). Little is known about Sámano, and Lalucq’s poem makes no attempt to be biographical or historical. Rather, she treats the image itself, the fact that the camera caught the image of life just prior to its end. What, then, does the image represent? She asks. Nancy’s section, Les débordements du poème (The overflowing of the poem), is a series of poetic commentaries on each of the poems in Lalucq’s series. It is a philosophical contemplation of the specific poem, Fortino Sámano, and also, a poetic investigation of the lyric genre, which works hand-in-hand with Lalucq’s poems. Fortino Sámano is an exciting poetic dialogue, and a significant work in poetics, which Hogue and Gallais have brought into English. ISBN: 9781890650674

The Cherry Orchard, Sequel | Ileana Orlich

ISBN: 9786061701629

Battles, Betrayals, and Brotherhood: Early Chinese Plays on the Three Kingdoms | Wilt L. Idema, Stephen H. West

No cycle of historical legends has enjoyed greater or more enduring popularity in China than that of the Three Kingdoms, which recounts the dramatic story of the civil wars (c. AD 180–220) that divided the old Han empire into the Shu-Han, Wei, and Wu states, and the eventual reunification of the realm under the Western Jin in AD 280. ISBN: 9781603848145

Staging Stalinism in Post-Communism Romania.

Staging Stalinism in Post-Communist Romanian Theatre | Ileana Orlich

The plays examined in this book indicate that the Romanian post-Communist theatre manifests an abiding interest in Stalinist politics, possibly more than in traditional dramatic plot and character. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of an era dominated by Marxist-Leninist ideology, Romanian dramatists seek to appraise and understand the Communist period and simultaneously to demand a scrupulous and courageous recognition of all the irreconcilable antagonisms that made the lives of the people in Communism so burdensome and so desperate. ISBN: 9786061701919

Así de sencillo: Cinco poetas cubanos en USA | Jose Prats Sariol

ISBN: 9780983338671

Chican@s, y mexican@s norteñ@s: Biborderlands dialogues on literary and cultural production | Manuel de Jesús Hernández-Gutiérrez, Graciela Silva Rodriquez

ISBN: 9786079124748

Slogovni glosar 3 | Danko Šipka

This is a glossary of Serbian words consisting of five syllables

Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States: The State of the Field | Sara Beaudrie

There is growing interest in heritage language learners―individuals who have a personal or familial connection to a nonmajority language. Spanish learners represent the largest segment of this population in the United States. In this comprehensive volume, experts offer an interdisciplinary overview of research on Spanish as a heritage language in the United States. They also address the central role of education within the field. Contributors offer a wealth of resources for teachers while proposing future directions for scholarship.


Illuminating the Roman d’Alexandre | Mark Cruse

This study of one of the most important surviving medieval manuscripts reveals much about its cultural, literary and social milieu.

Pangguan Zhuzixue (A Bystander's Perspectives on Zhu Xi Studies) | Hoyt Tillman

Pangguan Zhuzixue (A Bystander's Perspectives on Zhu Xi Studies) is a collection of essays and articles on the Confucian philosopher, classicist, and scholar-official Zhu Xi (1130-1200) in the context of his times, as well as some reflections on aspects of his legacy in modern times. For over eight centuries, Zhu Xi has been credited as the principal figure in the revival of Confucianism (which others label "Neo-Confucianism") in China after centuries of Buddhist and Daoist cultural dominance. For instance, the last four imperial dynasties in China adopted the Four Books (which he championed), along with his commentaries on these classical texts, as the core of the educational and civil service systems from 1241 to 1905. Tillman's essays represent aspects of his longstanding penchant for showing the diversity within even within Confucianism and also that many other thinkers and scholar-officials contributed to developing and establishing these ideas and gaining endorsement and utilization by the Song dynasty. The essays explore various aspects of China's economic, educational, cultural and philosophical history from the the Song era (960-1279) and with some discussion of its legacy in modern times. The volume under Tillman's Chinese name (Tian Hao) was published by Huadong Shifan University Press in Shanghai in 2011. ISBN 978-7-5617-8361-0

Illuminating the Roman d'Alexandre: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 264: The Manuscript as Monument | Markus Cruse

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 264 is one of the most famous and most sumptuous illuminated manuscripts of the entire Middle Ages. Completed in 1344 in Tournai, in what is now Belgium, the manuscript preserves the fullest version of the interpolated Old French Roman d'Alexandre (Romance of Alexander the Great), and some of the most vivid illustrations of any medieval romance, ranking amongst the greatest achievements of the illuminator's art, its borders in particular offering a panorama of medieval society and imagination. A celebration of courtliness, a commemoration of urban chivalry, a mirror for the prince instructing in the arts of rule, and a meditation on crusade, it manifests the extraordinary richness and creativity of late medieval manuscript culture. This study examines the manuscript as a monumental expression of the beliefs and social practices of its day, placing it in its historical and artistic context; it also analyzes its later reception in England, where the addition of a Middle English Alexander poem and of Marco Polo's Voyages reflects changing concepts of language, historiography, and geography. ISBN: 9781843842804

Glossary of Obscene Words and Phrases | Danko Sipka

ISBN: 978651506799

Rečnik opscenih reči | Danko Šipka

This is a dictionary of obscene words in Serbian preceded by a monograph about this lexical field addressing its structural, psycholinguistic, and sociolinguistics characteristics.

Slogovni glosar 2 | Danko Šipka

This is a glossary of Serbian words consisting of four syllables

German Literature on the Middle East: Discourses and Practices, 1000-1989 | Nina Berman

"[German Literature on the Middle East] marshals extraordinary amounts of diverse information to deploy a narrative of enduring and evolving tropes of the Middle East, presenting genres from grisly newspaper reports to travelogues, opera to ethnographies, showing continuities and discontinuities of the attitudes of elites and masses alike." ---Times Literary Supplement

Kiss Me: Confessions of a Bare-footed Leper

(Translation) Kiss Me: Confessions of a Bare-footed Leper | Ileana Orlich

Renown for his plays depicting the socio-cultural context of modern society after the fall of Communism, popular playwright Vlad Zografi invites readers to consider contemporary theater from multiple and mutually enriching and dramatic perspectives. The brilliance of his plays reflect a liberated and live theater in which readers are drawn into the sentiments and obsessions of characters as diverse as a nameless and bare-footed leper, Russian Czar Peter the Great on a visit to the court of France, and, a young Oedipus enthralled by Pythia at Delphi.


Mapping the Feminine: Russian Women and Cultural Difference | Hilde Hoogenboom, Catharine Nepomnyashchy and Irina Reyfman

A collection of articles on Russian women writers from a conference in honor of Professor Marina Ledkovsky (Barnard College, 1925-2015), editor of Dictionary of Russian Women Writers (1994). I contributed an article on Russian dictionaries and histories of women writers in the international enlightenment competition among nations beginning in the eighteenth century, and a curriculum vitae and interview with Professor Ledkovsky about her family (the composer Nikolai Nabokov was her maternal uncle and Vladimir Nabokov was her first cousin once removed), life and imprisonment by the Nazis in Berlin, and her career in the Barnard and Columbia University Slavic Departments.

Impossible Missions? German Economic, Military, and Humanitarian Efforts in Africa | Nina Berman

2004, This study of the German presence in Africa in the modern period exposes forms of cultural domination that derive from a philosophy of progress and “good intentions.” The humanitarian belief in development, however, can ultimately lead to the same structural imbalances that an overtly racist model of intervention produces. Berman examines five case studies involving German individuals and their respective “missions” in Africa: Max Eyth in Egypt, Albert Schweitzer in Gabon, Ernst Udet in East Africa, Bodo Kirchoff in Somalia, and modern-day tourists in Kenya. These engineers, doctors, pilots, soldiers, and tourists believed that their presence and actions would benefit the respective countries and their inhabitants. Nevertheless, their interventions created profound problems for Africans. Nina Berman describes the structures of domination that date back to colonialism but did not disappear with decolonization and are, in fact, integral to today’s global economy. She also critiques the avoidance of African material reality in most of the analyses of European images of Africa, which has led to a perpetuation of the old model of Africanism. By highlighting patterns of domination that did not disappear with decolonization, Impossible Missions? disputes previous assumptions about why global inequality has not only persisted but increased.

Look Who’s Talking: Voice and Identity in Hellenistic Epigram | Michael A. Tueller

Look Who's Talking examines the methods by which the ancient reader identified the speaker and addressee of epigram, and how these methods were manipulated by hellenistic epigrammatists. Conventions in place from epigram's inscribed heritage were used, at first, to maintain the conceit of inscription, but later formed the basis for mixing of epigrammatic subgenres or even, in the case of Asclepiades, the creation of erotic epigram. Among the most significant hellenistic innovations are the development of a passerby motif and the evolution of epigram's tendency to address its inherent writtenness. The book also traces the development of the ancient habit of equating an artistic image with the thing or being it represented; Nossis, later joined by Theocritus and Callimachus, developed a stance from which they could critique this subtle equation. This book thinks of hellenistic epigram the way its authors did - from the background of inscription - and consequently discovers many of the places where hellenistic epigrammatists hoped to make their mark.

Workbook Manual to accompany Let's Speak Vietnamese | Thuy-Kim Le

The Writing and Reading Activities for each topic chapter reinforce the vocabulary and structures presented in Let’s Speak Vietnamese. After completing a corresponding subsection in the textbook, the instructor can assign the appropriate exercises in the Workbook Manual. This section provides a variety of exercises to help students practice using new vocabulary and grammar points introduced in the lessons of the main text and develop reading and writing skills. Some of these exercises can be done as group or pair activities in class or as homework.

Workbook Manual to accomany Chúng ta nói | Thuy-Kim Le

The Writing and Reading Activities for each topic chapter reinforce the vocabulary and structures presented in Chúng ta nói - Conversational Vietnamese . After completing a corresponding sub-section in the textbook, the instructor can assign the appropriate exercises in the Workbook Manual and self-learners can start doing related exercises to reinforce their learning. This section provides a variety of exercises to help learners review grammar points , practice using new vocabulary and grammar points introduced in the lessons of the main text, and develop reading and writing skills. Some of these exercises can be done as group or pair activities in class or as homework.

Chúng ta nói - An Intermediate Text | Thuy-Kim Le

This intermediate language text, written for those who already have a basic knowledge of Vietnamese, stresses conversational skills. The goal is to help students communicate effectively and absorb meaning through speaking, listening, reading, and writing, incorporating the most up-to-date features of the interactive approach to language learning. The book provides insights into Vietnam's multifaceted culture. Each of the 24 chapters includes a list of competencies to be achieved and concepts to be studied; vocabulary lists, pronunciation drills, dialogues, and oral activities; a section devoted to grammar with exercises, and explanations in English; proverbs and popular phrases to be memorized and recited; situations to help achieve fluidity of speech in real-life communication; a summary of vocabulary, grammar pointsk and pattern sentences for review; a listening section; and Vietnamese newspaper articles with reading and writing assignments.

Activities Manual to accompany Spoken Vietnamese for Beginners- Books 1 & 2 | Thuy-Kim Le

Listening, writing, and in-class communication practice, along with pattern drills. Published by Lê Phạm Thuý-Kim in 1996 and distributed exclusively by Northern Illinois University's Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

Zhu Xi de siwei shijie (zengdingben). Expanded and revised edition of my Zhu Xi’s World of Thought. (Version in Traditional Chinese Characters). Taipei: Yunchen wenhua (Asian Culture), | Hoyt Tillman

2008. This is the traditional Chinese character version that served as the basis for the PRC character version published in Nanjing in 2009. (See description under 2009.)

Kateriina Suuren Muistelmat [The Memoirs of Catherine the Great] | Hilde Hoogenmboom Translation by Ruth Jakobson. Helsinki: Ajatus Kirjat,

2007. This is a translation of the my English translation of Catherine the Great’s memoirs and of my introduction, appendices, and notes into Finnish

The Memoirs of Catherine the Great | Translation by Mark Cruse and Hilde Hoogenboom

2006. This is the first translation for which the original manuscripts, which are in French in Catherine II’s own hand, were consulted in the archives in Moscow. A substantial introduction examines this last in a series of four memoirs written over forty years as a memoir Catherine wrote in the tradition of Plutarch’s parallel lives of the Romans and Greeks to compare her character and life with that of her husband Peter III.

«Я живу от почты до почты»: Из переписки Н. Д. Хвощинской “I live from mail delivery to delivery” | Hilde Hoogenboom and Arja Rosenholm

2001.One of the Russian Brontë sisters, Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaia (1820-89) was the most productive and respected woman novelist during the era of the great Russian novels, and the most well-paid writer by the elite journals after Tolstoy and Turgenev. She was the eldest of three sisters who were all writers and this collection of 116 letters in Russian and French to editors and writers, with introduction and commentary, is the first publication from the over five hundred letters by the Khvoshchinskaias in archives in Russia.

Workbook Cover

Workbook Manual to accompany Let's Speak Vietnamese | Lê Phạm Thuý-Kim (2007)

The Writing and Reading Activities for each topic chapter reinforce the vocabulary and structures presented in Let’s Speak Vietnamese. After completing a corresponding subsection in the textbook, the instructor can assign the appropriate exercises in the Workbook Manual. This section provides a variety of exercises to help students practice using new vocabulary and grammar points introduced in the lessons of the main text and develop reading and writing skills. Some of these exercises can be done as group or pair activities in class or as homework.

workbook manual

Workbook Manual to accompany Chúng ta nói - Conversational Vietnamese | Lê Phạm Thuý-Kim (2007)

The Writing and Reading Activities for each topic chapter reinforce the vocabulary and structures presented in Chúng ta nói - Conversational Vietnamese . After completing a corresponding sub-section in the textbook, the instructor can assign the appropriate exercises in the Workbook Manual and self-learners can start doing related exercises to reinforce their learning. This section provides a variety of exercises to help learners review grammar points , practice using new vocabulary and grammar points introduced in the lessons of the main text, and develop reading and writing skills. Some of these exercises can be done as group or pair activities in class or as homework.

Chung ta noi..Conversational Vietnamese | Lê Phạm Thuý-Kim (2001)

This intermediate language text, written for those who already have a basic knowledge of Vietnamese, stresses conversational skills. The goal is to help students communicate effectively and absorb meaning through speaking, listening, reading, and writing, incorporating the most up-to-date features of the interactive approach to language learning. The book provides insights into Vietnam's multifaceted culture. Each of the 24 chapters includes a list of competencies to be achieved and concepts to be studied; vocabulary lists, pronunciation drills, dialogues, and oral activities; a section devoted to grammar with exercises, and explanations in English; proverbs and popular phrases to be memorized and recited; situations to help achieve fluidity of speech in real-life communication; a summary of vocabulary, grammar points and pattern sentences for review; a listening section; and Vietnamese newspaper articles with reading and writing assignments. The text also includes three audio CDs, a glossary, and an index to grammar notes. Review lessons following every three chapters are designed to keep the learner current at all times. LE PHAM THUY-KIM is a lecturer in language and literature at Arizona State University. NGUYEN KIM-OANH is senior lecturer in Vietnamese at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio | Daniel Gilfillan

Since the rise of film and television, radio has continued to evolve and any understanding of the development of radio depends on closely examining the artistic ventures that preceded commercial acceptance. Daniel Gilfillan offers a cultural history that explores these aspects of the medium by focusing on German radio broadcasting, providing a context that sees beyond programming to consider regulations, cultural politics, and social standardization.

A Religion, Not a State: Ali 'Abd al-Raziq's Islamic Justification of Political Secularism | Souad T. Ali

In this notable work, Souad T. Ali examines the seminal writings of Egyptian reformist scholar Ali ‘Abd al-Raziq, often regarded as the intellectual father of Islamic secularism, and his controversial argument that the caliphate should be considered a human innovation, rather than a religious imperative. ‘Abd al Raziq contended that Islam is “a religion, not a state; a message, not a government,” a major departure from the traditional view that religious and political spheres are intertwined and inseparable in Islam. Opponents denounced ‘Abd al-Raziq’s ideas as a foreign corruption imported from the West. Ali’s careful, objective, and scholarly examination of ‘Abd al-Raziq’s work, however, reveals that his arguments are not based in Western thought. Rather, they sit firmly within the dictates of Islam’s sacred texts, particularly the Quran and Hadith, and also enjoy considerable support from the historical record. This analysis critically challenges prevalent misinterpretations of Islam that have endured for centuries. Ali recognizes the varied models and discourses that have arisen throughout different epochs, especially so the role that Western intervention has played in placing the question of Islam’s modernity at the forefront of intellectual debate. Throughout, the study emphasizes the atmosphere of openness and tolerance that is a requisite for free, intelligent debate.

Disability In Kenya: The Nairobi Workshop | Nina Berman

Lishi yu wenhua de zhuisuo: Yu Yingshi jiaoshou bazhi zhushou lunwenji (Historical and Cultural Explorations: Essays Honoring the 80th Birthday of Professor Ying-shih Yü) | Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman)

All of the essays in this Chinese volume were written by students of Yu Yingshi who served as Professor of Chinese History at Harvard, then Yale and finally at Princeton. Among his notable recognitions are the Kluge Prize from the Library of Congress, the first historian of Asia to receive this honor, as well as the first humanist to receive the Tang Prize from Academia Sinica. In the Introduction, Tillman and three of Yu’s other students wrote about his career and role as teacher. The thirty scholarly essays display some segments of the range of historical studies and periods that Professor Yu inspired them to pursue. Tillman’s own essay explores the legacy of some of Chen Liang’s twelfth-century ideas on Chen Huanzhang’s and Shibusawa Eiichi’s thinking, such as reconciling the traditional tension between pursuing wealth and living ethically. Such ideas empowered their synthesis of Western economic ideas and practices with a re-interpretation of Confucianism, a re-reading of Confucius that had definite similarities with Chen Liang’s pioneering efforts. ISBN is 9789570834901

Zhu Xi de siwei shijie (zengdingben). Expanded and revised edition of my Zhu Xi’s World of Thought. (Version in PRC character) | Hoyt Tillman

Almost one-third of this Chinese volume is added material to expand and revise a 1996 Chinese translation of a revised version of Tillman’s Confucian Discourse and Chu Hsi’s Ascendancy (Hawaii, 1992). Tillman expended so much energy on the original English book and especially on the subsequent revised and expanded Chinese versions because this work sets for the evidence for this fundamental thesis about how Confucianism was transformed during the Song era and how Zhu Xi (Chu Hsi) successfully asserted his claim to be the authoritative reader of the Classics and definer of Confucian tradition(s). ISBN 978-7-214-05754-9

Money, Morality, and Culture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe | Juliann Vitullo

One of the first volumes to explore the intersection of economics, morality, and culture, this collection analyzes the role of the developing monetary economy in Western Europe from the twelfth to the seventeenth century. The contributors”scholars from the fields of history, literature, art history and musicology”investigate how money infiltrated every aspect of everyday life, modified notions of social identity, and encouraged debates about ethical uses of wealth. These essays investigate how the new symbolic system of money restructured religious practices, familial routines, sexual activities, gender roles, urban space, and the production of literature and art. They explore the complex ethical and theological discussions which developed because the role of money in everyday life and the accumulation of wealth seemed to contradict Christian ideals of poverty and charity, revealing a rich web of reactions to the tensions inherent in a predominately Christian, (neo)capitalist culture. Money, Morality, and Culture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe presents a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary assessment of the ways in which the rise of the monetary economy fundamentally affected morality and culture in Western Europe.

Avantgardism, Politics and the Limits of Interpretation in The (Ex)Centric Waste Land: Reading Gelu Naum’s Zenobia | Ileana Orlich

Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel

Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel | Ileana Orlich

Ileana Orlich captures the shifting and subtle identities and continuities of Romania's literary tradition by concentrating on unfamiliar aesthetic and cultural landscapes, mythic archetypes, and modernist techniques. Examining a distinct and unusual range of authors and texts, Orlich charts the crosscurrents of the century's representative fiction, attesting to the importance of a critical vision of Romanian literature and a commitment to its dynamic interactions with European models.

Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel

Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel | Ileana Orlich

The main theme of this book is the framing of a national canon of Romanian literature, showing how the lives of women protagonists and their story-telling have been tied to the emerging authority of the nation. The women's actions and innermost thoughts in these stories become the expression of the nation's consciousness, offering a completely different, nonofficial, extraecclesiastical and extrapolitical aspect of Romanian culture.

Silent Bodies

Silent Bodies | Ileana Orlich

This study focuses on specifically Romanian social structures and literary representations and examines the issues of gender as the social organization of sex, of obligatory heterosexuality as an imperative of societal systems, and of the constraint of female sexuality. Romanian fiction is revealed to be a mirror image of the stereotypical picture of the western canon, marked by confrontation and repression. The volume focuses on four representative short stories by representative Romanian writers: Ioan Slavici, Ioan Luca Caragiale, Mikhail Sadoveanu, and Liviu Rebreanu.