Language testing

Language testing

Placement and proficiency language testing services for students

The School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University offers a variety of testing services for current and prospective students who wish to determine placement or showcase proficiency in language courses.

Undergraduate students

Information on placement and proficiency testing for current and future undergraduates.

Language placement testing: Test to find out which level class to take

Proficiency testingTest out of second language requirement

Graduate students

  • Information on the graduate foreign language reading examination

  • Language courses for reading knowledge

    Another way to fulfill the second language requirement is to successfully complete one of the following courses:
    • Italian ITA 550 will be offered every other spring in 2023. The next course is scheduled for spring 2025. 
    • Portuguese POR 550 will be offered every other spring semester starting in 2024. The next course is scheduled for spring 2026. 
    • French FRE 550 is offered every summer during session A.
    • German GER 550 is offered every fall during session B.
    • Spanish SPA 550 is offered every spring (sessions A and B) summer (sessions A and B).

Additional testing services

Arizona Classroom Teacher Spanish Proficiency Examination

Information on the Arizona Classroom Teacher Spanish Proficiency Examination, which is required of individuals who are bilingual classroom teachers, bilingual resource teachers, bilingual specialists or are otherwise responsible for providing bilingual instruction.


Information on the SPEAK test, a local version of the Test of Spoken English, authorized by Educational Testing Services and administered at ASU through the American English and Culture Program (ASU does not accept SPEAK test results from other universities).

TOEFL, IELTS and other English language tests

Information on additional English language tests for international students, which are administered by Global Launch at ASU.

American Sign Language placement and proficiency tests

For information on placement and testing in American Sign Language, please please contact