Academic Journals
The School of International Letters and Cultures is home to the following academic journals:
Connections is the annual e-journal of the Rocky Mountain European Scholars’ Consortium (RMESC). RMESC was funded for the first three annual conferences by the Center for the Study of Europe (CSE) at Brigham Young University and the U.S. Department of Education. CSE provided a forum for scholars who work on European topics to share their research and build pedagogical and research networks with other scholars in the Rocky Mountain region and beyond.
Ámbitos Feministas, An annual peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of criticism pertinent to current feminist issues in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies. This Journal is edited by ASU's professor, Carmen Urioste-Azcorra.
Puentes: Revista méxico-chicana de literatura, cultura y arte, has been published in the School of International Letters and Cultures since 2008 with one volume per year. The journal publishes critical and creative works, as well as art, interviews and testimonies to promote Chicano literature written in Spanish and to create cultural bridges between Chicanos/as and Mexicanos/as. The journal was founded and is edited by Jesús Rosales.
Circunloquios, is a Journal of cultural research that arises from the concerns of graduate students in the Spanish program at Arizona State University. The graduate students have a voice in the academic world with this journal and is was consolidated in 2011 with a literary magazine called Solaluna, followed in 2012 by academic Solaluna. These two magazines now merge into the new magazine Circunloquios born under the sign of cultural research in general and research literature, film and photography in particular.
Laberinto is a peer-edited journal dedicated to the exploration of interdisciplinary connections among literary and cultural texts, as well as images of the Hispanic areas of influence during the early modern period. Authors interested in publishing and bringing to light the wealth of this visual world, in any medium--such as painting, architecture, maps, illustrations, movies, videos, photographs, websites, etc.--are invited to submit their manuscripts for consideration. For publication, all manuscripts should follow the MLA format. Please send your manuscripts for consideration to Juan Pablo Gil-Osle, via email, in a Word Document, at gilosle1@gmail.com . Laberinto is sponsored by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies—ACMRS, affiliated with the Spanish Section at the School of International Letters and Cultures, Arizona State University, and published in Tempe, Arizona.
Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, (Bloomington: Indiana University) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal featuring research papers on less commonly taught languages (all foreign languages except Spanish, French, and German)
Danko Šipka (editor-in-chief)
Lingvističke aktuelnosti, (Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that features research papers and reviews in the field of Serbian and general linguistics
(co-editing one to two issues annually since 2000)
Danko Šipka (editor)
Chasqui is an academic journal devoted exclusively to Latin American literature in the sense of bringing together research on both the Spanish-speaking republics of the continent and Brazil. As part of its new editorial policy Chasqui is seeking full-length manuscripts, approximately 20-40 pages, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, that focus on significant theoretical issues in the analysis of Latin American cultural production, with particular emphasis on literature. Essays dealing with specific texts or authors will be of interest only if they address interesting theoretical questions, and those studies that focus on interdisciplinary approaches, the bridging of national and linguistic divisions, subaltern studies, feminism, queer theory, popular culture, and minority topics are especially encouraged.
External academic journals:
Tang Studies is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary publication of the T'ang Studies Society. The journal is open to critical inquiry into all topics related to Tang China, but particularly encourages scholarship that is directly engaged with primary sources from the Sui, Tang, and Five Dynasties periods. Major disciplines regularly represented in the journal include literature, linguistics, history, religious studies, and art history. The journal welcomes submissions of original research, annotated translations, and reference notes, as well as bibliographic materials. This Journal is edited by ASU's associate professor of Chinese, Nicholas Williams