Language Fair Poster/Diorama Contest

Language Fair Poster/Diorama Contest

Due to Covid restrictions and the SILC Language Fair 2022 moved to online we are temporarily closing the language competitions registrations. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to hosting you virtually.

Please look at these documents for the Poster Competitions Submission.

Registered schools/teachers will receive a submission link via email on March 20th to upload submissions. The link will be open for submissions until 5:00 PM, March 25th.

For any questions regarding the Poster Competitions, please email Almira Poudrier at

An adjudication sheet MUST accompany all dioramas/posters!  Each group or individual entering the contest MUST:

  1. Download and print out their sheet (available in the links below)
  2. Fill out the top part with the candidate and school information
  3. Attach the sheet to the back of the poster or diorama, before dropping off your entry at the language fair.

PLEASE be sure to download the correct sheet for your entry category, as we will use these to sort the entries for judging.  Dioramas and posters without adjudication sheets will be displayed but will not be entered in the contest and cannot receive any prizes!

Adjudication Forms: 

  1. File Spanish Contest with Presentation
  2. File Spanish Contest without Presentation
  3. File Non-Spanish Contest with Presentation
  4. File Non-Spanish Contest without Presentation

Dioramas/Posters “without presentation” (categories 2 and 4) will be judged on implementation of the theme, the accuracy of the information included, and the overall appearance of the entry. Posters and Dioramas without presentation still MUST be accompanied by an adjudication sheet to be judged as part of the contest.

Dioramas/Posters “with a presentation” (categories 1 and 3) will be accompanied by a short presentation introducing and explaining their entry. The performance of the presentation will be taken into account in the judging. Submissions should be no more than 5 minutes. Students are encouraged to use props and make their presentations in the target language—this will impress the judges!

Signing up for the diorama/poster contest - Those who enter posters/dioramas with presentation (categories 1 and 3) MUST sign up for a time slot for their poster to be judged. Posters and dioramas without presentation (categories 2 and 4) don’t need to register for a time slot, they need to be accompanied by an adjudication sheet and dropped off on time to be considered in the contest. See below for instructions on dropping off entries. To register for the contest, submit a registration request by following the links above.

PLEASE be sure to download the correct sheet for your entry category.

Dropping off posters and dioramas - All entries must be dropped off at the Union Stage in the SE corner of the basement of the MU anytime before 9:30 am. Entries will be photographed and displayed on the Union’s screens throughout the day.

Judging - Judging for categories 1 and 3 will begin at 10 am. Students who are presenting should report to the Union Stage, in the SE corner of the basement in the MU before their scheduled presentation. Please be prompt in your arrival! Judging for categories 2 and 4 will take place beginning at 10 am. Judging often goes late into the fair due to a large number of submissions. We hope to speed up the process by dividing it into four categories this year. If your school needs to leave before the competition is over, we are happy to send your adjudication sheets and any prizes along to your teacher/school using the information you have listed there. Likewise, if you want your posters/dioramas back, we hope to be finished with the judging before you need to leave, but if not, we can discuss ways to get them back to you. Contact for more information.

Displays for next year -  If your students are willing to leave their posters with us, we would like to display the place winners at next year's fair, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.  Please let us know if this is something that will interest your students.

Verify Your Registration

Once registration opens, you may click the link below to verify registration in the corresponding contest. If you do not see your name at this time or you need to update your registration, contact

1) Spanish Language/Culture with presentation
2) Spanish Language/Culture without presentation
3) Non-Spanish Language/Culture with presentation
4) Non-Spanish Language/Culture without presentation